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Stainless Steel Scam |
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"Stainless Steel" Cow Magnet Common Fraud Overview: Sellers of cow magnets are attempting to pass off a new type of Stainless Steel cow magnet as industry standard ALNICO magnets.
There are Three Main Risks: |
Risk Type |
Risk Description: |
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Being quoted on Alnico magnets but being shipped Stainless Steel instead. Even if you are lucky enough to be shipped a quality/safe stainless steel cow magnet, you may still be overcharged (no matter what price you pay). |
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High Magnetic Strength parlor trick. This simple "snake oil" trick is often used to make you think the stainless steel magnets from one company are stronger then samples from another company. The magnets may even "attract" each other right through your own hand. |
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Receiving low quality, ineffective or even dangerous magnets. Countless people have said through the years, "With great strength comes great responsibility". This can be dangerously true with stainless steel cow magnets. Because high quality stainless steel cow magnets are so strong, they need to concentrate their strength in the middle of the magnet body to prevent hardware from sticking to (and protruding off) the ends of the magnet where it can cause dangerous stomach or other digestive system perforations. Read about the simple way to ensure your stainless steel cow magnets are the safer type here... |
Alnico/Stainless Steel "Switcheroo" | Risk Type: Being Overcharged | ||||||||
![]() Being quoted on Alnico magnets but being shipped Stainless Steel. Even if you are lucky enough to be shipped a quality/safe stainless steel cow magnet, you may still have been overcharged (no matter what price you paid) unless you were told from the start it was stainless steel and not ALNICO. Here's why:
Although ALNICO and Stainless Steel cow magnets look alike, stainless steel cow magnets are typically less expensive to produce. In this common scam, an unscrupulous (or even unknowing) cow magnet supplier quotes you a price on ALNICO cow magnets. After you accept the quote and place the order, they ship you stainless steel cow magnets instead.
Here's how this hurts you...stainless steel cow magnets cost les to produce, so by allowing you to think you were buying Alnico, the quoted price only "looked" fair. If you were informed at quote time you would have been able to get competitive prices and you would have found out what looked like a great deal on alnico was in fact a very high price for stainless steel.
When taking bids on ALNICO cow magnets always make sure it's really ALNICO. You should always ask for samples before and after the shipment to be sure because some distributors may not even know themselves. Remember, stainless steel cow magnets are always less expensive then ALNICO. What looks like a great price may actually be very high.
Note: ALNICO and stainless steel cow magnets look alike. if you are not sure, you may send samples for testing by CowMagnetScam.org at no charge. Results are provided within 24 Hours of receiving samples.
Send Samples to:
Cow Magnet Test CowMagnetScam.org 15 West Mall Plainview NY 11803 |
Stainless Steel Parlor Trick | Risk Type: Being Misled, Overcharged & Potential Bovine Health Concern. | ||||||||
Don't fall for the "High Magnetic Strength" parlor trick. A simple "snake oil" trick is often used to make you think the stainless steel magnets from one company are stronger then samples from another company. The magnets may even "attract" each other right through your own hand.
In an effort to show you how much stronger "their" stainless steel cow magnets are, some sales people may take two magnets and place one on each side of your hand and let go. "Surprise...They are so strong they wont fall off your hand!". They may also stick two of their magnets together and ask you to pull them apart. "Surprise again... they're really difficult to pull apart". This all looks impressive but it's just a scam that does nothing for the cow. These two simple yet deceptive tricks can be explained be any junior high school science teacher. Here's how it works... Most magnets have a minimum of two poles (north and south). The north pole of one magnet is always attracted to the south pole of another magnet. Some "tricky" companies line up the poles inside the stainless steel magnet so that the magnets are very "attractive" to other magnets, making them appear very strong. IMPORTANT: this is not an indication of how much a magnet is attracted to regular metal objects (like the metal hardware ingested by cows). Properly designed stainless steel cow magnets may be the strongest available even though they do not appear to stick to themselves with great strength. The real test is to use a GAUSS meter. IMPORTANT: This "tricky" polarity lineup may actually lead to an increased possibility of stomach perforation. See the third risk factor below: Note: If you are not sure about the type or strength of your cow magnets, you may send samples for testing by CowMagnetScam.org at no charge. Results are provide within 24 Hours of receiving samples.
Send Samples to:
Cow Magnet Test CowMagnetScam.org 15 West Mall Plainview NY 11803 |
Dangerous Magnets | Risk Type: Stomach or other internal perforation (Hardware disease) | ||||||||
Properly designed stainless steel cow magnets are designed with the magnetic force mostly in the middle of the magnet. This is done to draw hardware inward to help avoid dangerous protrusions which can perforate the cows stomach. Poorly designed stainless steel cow magnets are structured so the there is a strong magnetic force at the ends of the magnets which is more likely to hold hardware protruding off the magnet ends. This can lead to an increased chance of stomach or other digestive system perforation. See illustration below:
Note: If you are not sure about the type or strength of your cow magnets, you may send samples for testing by CowMagnetScam.org at no charge. Results are provide within 24 Hours of receiving samples.
Send Samples to:
Cow Magnet Test CowMagnetScam.org 15 West Mall Plainview NY 11803 |